Unit 4, The Foundry, Orsdall Lane, Salford, M5 3AN
Acting on behalf of Aesthetic Creative Limited, Davies Harrison has let a 3,962 sq ft warehouse at The Foundry in Salford. Hive Capital Limited has agreed a 10 year lease for the property.
Acting on behalf of Aesthetic Creative Limited, Davies Harrison has let a 3,962 sq ft warehouse at The Foundry in Salford. Hive Capital Limited has agreed a 10 year lease for the property.
Harry Fullerton, surveyor at Davies Harrison, says: “Demand for this property was strong and the commitment of Hive with several other projects at the Foundry made them the ideal tenant. We were able to secure a rent of over £8 per sq ft, which is testament to not only the quality of accommodation here but also the growing confidence in Salford from an occupier perspective.”